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We started the job as sewing needle manufacturer in 1873, but the demand decreased considerably in early 1900s. Fortunately Edison invented phonograph, and we started making stylus for that.


Steel stylus for the phonograph is softer than that for record player, so wears down rapidly. Soft stylus can play only one side of a record and need to be replace.

The stylus of the phonograph vibrates horizontally tracing the groove. The vibration is transmitted to the soundbox and amplitude of diaphragm generates the sound. This soundbox is called  the heart of the phonograph.

The early types of phonograph have the horn outside the case, but horn was put inside the box with the passage of time. The materials of horn are wood, metal, paper, and ceramic. It is clockwork without electricity, so unable to adjust the volume, but afterwards electric phonograph appeared.

We hold a meeting for trial listening with phonograph once a three months. The phonograph was made about 90 years ago and still moves listeners’ hearts.
