―You had been in video production industry. Why have you jumped in the world of music?
I wanted to work in music industry originally, but had few opportunities. However, in 1980, the number of video businesses was increasing and I got on the trend. Works in video industry is closely related to music and sound. For example, recording narrations and selection of musics for videos. I liked that kind of work.
―Why you started making speakers?
I found a simple amplifier that you need only put iPhone on that and I made it myself. It was a back-loaded horn speaker and changed sound from iPhone drastically. That sound made me want to make a higher-grade one. After that, I made original speakers remodeling “masu (Japanese measuring box made of wood)”. I put them on my blog and they are featured on the magazine. In summer of that year, I sold my speakers in Handmade Festival in Makuhari and they were sold out. I recognized the existence of people who likes my speakers.